sábado, 12 de enero de 2013

Russian to English Proverbs

А дело бывало -- и коза волка съедала.
Pigs might fly.
Literal: It was happening -- a goat was eating up a wolf.

Аво́сь да как-нибу́дь до добра́ не доведу́т.
Draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed.
Literal: Maybe and somehow won't make any good.

Азбука -- к мудрости ступенька.
You have to learn to walk before you can run.
Literal: Alphabet is the step to wisdom.

Алты́нного во́ра ве́шают, а полти́нного че́ствуют.
Little thieves are hanged, but great ones escape.
Literal: The thief who stole an altyn (3 kopecks) is hung, and the one who stole a poltinnik (50 kopecks) is praised.

Аппети́т прихо́дит во вре́мя еды́.
Appetite comes with eating.
Literal: The appetite comes during eating.

Арте́льный горшо́к гу́ще кипи́т.
With a helper a thousand things are possible.
Literal: An artel's pot boils denser.

Ахал бы дядя, на себя глядя.
The devil rebuking sin.
Literal: The uncle would better gasp looking at himself.

- Б -

Ба́ба с во́зу -- кобы́ле ле́гче.
No women, no cry!
Literal: It is easier for the mare when a woman gets off the cart.

Ба́бушка гада́ла, на́двое сказа́ла.
No one can know for certain.
Literal: Granny was telling fortunes, said two things.

Ба́бушка на́двое сказа́ла.
No one can know for certain.
Literal: Granny said two things.

Ба́ры деру́тся -- у холо́пов чубы́ треща́т.
When the rich make war it's the poor that die.
Literal: Masters are fighting, servants' forelocks are creaking.

Беда́ никогда́ не прихо́дит одна́.
When it rains, it pours.
Literal: Trouble never comes alone.

Бедному нужно многое, жадному -- всё.
Poverty is in want of much, avarice of everything.

Бе́дному оде́ться -- то́лько подпоя́саться.
Не that has no money needs no purse.
Literal: For a poor man, to dress means to only belt himself.

Без кота́ мыша́м раздо́лье.
When the cat is away, the mice will play.
Literal: Without a cat mice feel free.

Без муки нет науки.
Adversity is a good teacher.
Literal: Without torture no science.

Без отдыха и конь не скачет.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Literal: Without rest even the horse doesn't gallop.

Без труда́ не вы́тащишь и ры́бку из пруда́.
No pain, no gain.
Literal: Without effort, you can't even pull a fish out of the pond.

Безопасность прежде всего.
Safety first.

Береги́ пла́тье сно́ву, а честь смо́лоду.
Look after your clothes when they're spick and span, and after your honour when you're a young man.

Бережёного Бог бережёт.
The Lord helps those who help themselves.
Literal: God keeps those safe who keep themselves safe.

Бережливость хороша, да скупость страшна.
Economy is a good servant but a bad master.

Бери́сь дру́жно, не бу́дет гру́зно.
Many hands make light work
Literal: Take hold of it together, it won't feel heavy.

Бе́шеной соба́ке семь вёрст не крюк.

Literal: For a mad dog, seven versts (Russian mile) is not a long detour.

Близо́к локото́к, да не уку́сишь.
So near and yet so far.
Literal: Your elbow is close, yet you can't bite it.

Бог дал, Бог и взял.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away
Literal: God gave, God took back.

Бог не вы́даст, свинья́ не съест.

Literal: God won't give it away, pigs won't eat it.

Бог плу́та ме́тит.

Literal: God marks the crook.

Бог правду видит, да не скоро скажет.
The mills of God grind slowly.
Literal: God sees the truth, but won't tell soon.

Бог правду видит.
There is One that is always on the lookout.
Literal: God sees the truth.

Бог тро́ицу лю́бит.
Third time is a charm.; Third time is a lucky.
Literal: God likes trinity.

Бо́гу моли́сь, а добра́-ума́ держи́сь.
Trust in God, but steer away from the rocks.
Literal: Pray to God, but hold on to your good mind.

Бодли́вой коро́ве Бог рог не даёт.
God does not give horns to cow that butts.

Болту́н -- нахо́дка для шпио́на.
Loose lips sink big ships.
Literal: A chatterbox is a treasure for a spy.

Болтуна язык до добра не доведёт.
A fool's tongue runs before his feet.
Literal: The tongue will bring the chatterer no good.

Больше слушай, меньше говори.
Be swift to hear, slow to speak.
Literal: Listen more, talk less.

Большой секрет -- знает весь свет.
Every barber knows that. (badly-kept secret)
Literal: Big secret -- all the world knows.

Большо́му кораблю́ -- большо́е пла́вание.
A great ship needs deep waters.
Literal: For a big ship, a big voyage.

Борода не делает философом.
A beard doesn't make a philosopher.

Брань на во́роте не ви́снет.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Literal: The scolding won't hang on one's collar.

Брань не дым -- глаза не ест.
Hard words break no bones.
Literal: The scolding is not smoke -- won't irritate your eyes.

Брюхо сыто, да глаза голодны.
His eyes are bigger than his belly.
Literal: The belly is full, but the eyes are hungry.

Бу́дет и на на́шей у́лице пра́здник.
There will be our turn to triumph.
Literal: There'll be a holiday in our street too.

Будь что будет.
Be that as it may.
Literal: Be what will be.

Бума́га всё сте́рпит.
A letter does not blush (Epistula non erubescit -- Cicero, "Epistulae ad familiares")
Literal: Paper will endure anything.

Была́ не была́.
Whatever betide.
Literal: There was -- there wasn't.

Быть в доме хозяином.
To rule the roost.
Literal: To be a host in the house.

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